April Fool's Day

Every year Bryce does something on April Fools Day. Last year it was turning the milk green and having a container of Lego's come crashing down on my head when I wasn't expecting it, this year was kind of different.

Being the clever boy that he is he decided to go to the circuit board down stairs and turn half of the switches off. Basically, half of our lights and plugs worked. Me being as clueless as I was wondered why the heck some of the lights and plugs worked and some didn't. For example, I was making a smoothie today and when I went to turn on the switch to the blender it wouldn't turn on. So I tried plug after plug until finally the plug by the desk worked.

My mom came downstairs to the storage room to see what was going on. Sure enough, she takes me down there and on the circuit board is a note that says, "April Fools." Bryce is a real jokester, let me tell ya.

He also poured water on Chris, however Chris got him back worse by pouring more water on him then Bryce did to Chris. Don't you just love April Fool's Day. It's fun to pull pranks on people as long as your not the victim.

Even Google, played an April Fool's Joke by being Topeka, or something like that, I don't know the full details, but people sure are creative on April Fool's Day, that's for sure.


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