Nielsen Family Party

Every year my family and I go to the Nielsen Family Party. It is never in the same location, it has always been changing. This year we went to a Pizza Place up in West Valley City.

The scary part though was driving up. The first happened when we were in the turning lane to go left, my dad went into another lane thinking it was also a turning lane but it really wasn't. So we turned left anyways. The second occurrence and by far the scariest one because we almost got killed was my dad got off a wrong exit. We still needed to be going on the freeway so my dad decides to cross lanes of traffic to get on the freeway. He didn't know that cars were coming and this one car was coming up fast and I thought that we were going to be hit. Luckily the guy slammed on his brakes and my dad drove faster and finally made it back to the freeway. Everybody was so shocked after that no one said anything much. The good thing is we got out of their alive.

We finally made it up to the pizza place and there we visited with family members from my dad's side of the family. It seemed like forever before we were allowed to start eating. They had pizza, bread, salad, and drinks. The food was pretty good although the pizza was kind of greasy. After dinner we all gathered in a circle for our annual white elephant gift exchange. We started from the oldest down to the youngest this year. We brought family photo's for our white elephants, courtesy of my dad. Our gifts were a hit big time. Everybody was very interested in the pictures. I got a really good gift. I got a DVD of the Mormon Tabernacle Christmas Concert featuring Sissel. Overall, it was a fun party and I am looking forward to next year already.


Anne said…
Don't remind me of the drive.....

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