School Almost Over

I am so happy that school is almost over. I survived my first day of finals so only two more days to go. I can hardly believe it. There are so many things I want to do over the break. I mostly want to go to a ton of movies. The movie I am most excited about is Pirates of the Carribbean:Worlds End. I hope that it will be really good because it looks good. I went and saw Spiderman 3. I liked it, but apparently people I have heard or talked to haven't. The special effects I thought were amazing. I am a big action movie person so whenever there is action that is always good. I am going on trek this summer which will be quite interesting. People have said it was hard but you will have a good experience so I hope it will turn out for the best.
More exciting news is I found out I got a new baby cousin. His name is Jonathan and he is so adorable. I also past driving range. The day we were being graded, we had the meanest instructor there. But I did well and past and what a sigh of relief it was. Now it is road. After that work towards my License. I can't believe that I am turning 16. Being able to date and drive, wow.
I am sports fan so I talk a lot about sports but anyways I am kind of disappointed in the Jazz they are down 2 games to 0 in the Western Conference Finals between the San Antonio Spurs. I hope they can do well at home and show the spurs what we can really do.