Pet Samritan

Well, haven't really wrote for a while but anyways. For my history project I had to give 8 hrs of service to a charity or organization that I could choose and I chose Pet Samaritan. I actually went to this big super adoption place with all other organizations. I volunteered with Pet Samartian by walking dogs, feeding them, giving them water, and carrying them into a trailer. I thought it was fun and I am glad to get that chance.
Is it just me or do teachers give the big projects during 4th term, the last term before school gets out. I haven't been liking it but I have been getting them done. I just can't wait till school is over. One thing that is new in high school, we get finals at the end of school week. I basically get one in every class, besides seminary. I know that they aren't as tough or frusterating as college ones, I know they are a lot tougher but we have already had CRT Tests and now we have to do finals. It will be interesting for me. The good thing is we get out earlier like 12:00 or so that is good. But other than that, it really stinks, but oh well.
I don't know if anyone saw the Jazz game last night but they got blown out bad. That is one of the worst games ever I have seen the jazz played. The Golden State Warriors had 15 3 pt shots made. That is incredible! They also did some spectacular dunks, especially by Baron Davis. I think he like 32 points, 19 assists, some steals,and rebounds. The Jazz just played sloppy. I hope they can play better on Sunday. Well thats all I have to say. Actually I have one other thing to say if you haven't checked out Harry Potter Puppet Pals do because they are so funny, especially the Mysterious Ticking Noise.