You'll Never Walk Alone

There's been many times in my life where I have felt empty and lost. There's a reason by why I titled this post about not walking alone. You'll Never Walk Alone is a beautiful song. Here are the lyrics which love:  When you walk through a storm Hold your head up high And don't be afraid of the dark At the end of the storm There's a golden sky And the sweet, silver song of a lark Walk on, through the wind, Walk on, through the rain Though your dreams be tossed and blown Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart, And you'll never walk alone, You'll never walk alone Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart, And you'll never walk alone, You'll never walk alone.

With Christ we are never alone. He can empathize with us when we go through hard things because he suffered for us. In a world with billions of people, you would think we would never feel alone because of our family and friends we have supporting us with their love. There's people who on the outside seem all happy with their life, but on the inside they hide what they are truly feeling. I can say I have been there and it's not easy. I still have those feelings, but to truly know that I am a child of God makes life worth it.

In February of this year, I felt like I had enough. I didn't love myself and felt like people would be better be without me. I felt like a burden to everyone around me. I was ashamed with all the panic and anxiety attacks I had experienced. So I attempted to end my life. But then after what I did, I felt like I did have purpose and that God wanted me to be here still. I ended up calling up a good friend and was able to still continue moving forward despite with what happened.

I loved one of the talks in General Conference given by Elder M. Joseph Brough. He talked about all the challenges we go through in this life, but despite with them all there is much to rejoice and lift our heads about. To be honest, that wouldn't be the first thing I would do but now as I think of it, there is much to lift our heads and be joyful about. He mentioned Christ and how he said, "In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

I think of how my life has gone since through that event. There's been a lot of wonderful things that that has happened. My sister got married in June, my brother and his family moved back from Boston, and my Dad retired from teaching Junior High just to mention a few. And just recently, my mom and sisters were able to visit my aunt and cousin down in the St. George area.

In 2 Nephi 2:25 it says, "Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy". In order to progress in this life, we are not only to experience sorrow but joy as well. I think of the tree of life and how there were people who kept hold of the iron rod and and made it to the tree of life. And then I think of those who went on the path and then because of being mocked by the people in the great and spacious Building felt ashamed and unfortunately fell away in the darkness.

One of the greatest tactics Satan uses is comparing ourselves to others. I look at people I admire in life and I have from time and time again wished I could be like them. One of the most frustrating things I have experienced has been being on the Autism Spectrum. So being in social situations is a bit harder for me than it is for others. It's been so hard seeing people approach others not having to think what they are going to say but just to have a natural conversation with them. As Nephi said he was mighty in speaking but not in writing. I on the other hand, feel more comfortable writing than I do speaking. Thoughts come more easily for me to write them down then it is to speak to others about them. We all have different ways to express ourselves and I've been constantly telling myself that it isn't my fault for the way I act or behave in front of others. I've always been shy and have kept to myself for the most part. God loves us no matter what are struggles are or how we feel about ourselves. Going back to the point of comparison, Sister Joy D Jones (Primary President) said that "Comparison is the thief of Joy". We all have different strengths and weaknesses that the Lord has given to each of us. So to compare my weakness with someone else's strength doesn't do any good. It just makes it worse. "If we must compare, as Elder J Devin Cornish says in his talk Am I Good Enough? Will I Make It, let us compare how we were in the past to how we are today and to even how we want to be in the future".

God created us in his own image. As Elder Holland said in his talk Songs Sung and Unsung, "Believe in yourself, and believe in him. Don't demean your worth or denigrate your contribution. Above all, don't abandon yourself in the chorus. Why? because you are unique; you are irreplaceable. The loss of even one voice diminishes every other singer in this great mortal of ours, including the loss of those who feel they are on the margins of society or the margins of the Church"

Satan, the ultimate deceiver continually tries to make our lives miserable. He doesn't want us to be happy. He wants us to believe that we aren't good enough and never will be. I think I can say we all have been there and it isn't the best feeling. I've felt that way so many times and in so doing the Spirit isn't there. Satan finds his power with consistently breaking us down to the point that it feels like we can't get out of the pit of misery.

I recently lost one of my best friends who just couldn't continue any longer with our friendship. At that time it was very heartbreaking. I never thought that they would leave and that just made it more sorrowful. As my dad said to me it was like going through a divorce. It wasn't easy for me to get through this. But I had people close by who comforted me and helped me move forward.

I know that we will never be alone in this life. Christ is always there to give us strength and courage to go on and endure to the end. Christ gave his life for us because he loved us. We all are brothers and sisters of God. Time and time again I have heard the phrase to remember who you are. We are all god's children. The only opinion that matters is what our Heavenly Father thinks of us, going back to the talk Elder Brough gave in this October's general conference. Sometimes, it's hard to think that we are going to make it in this life. But we will, we just need to not lose faith in our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They will help us fight our battles till the end.


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