General Conference

I don't know about you, but I sure had a great General Conference weekend. The good weekend started off on Friday being able to go to the BYU game and then from there on. On Saturday, I really liked Elder Bednar's talk. It is something that we can all relate to. He talked about three steps. First, express your love and show it. Second was to bear your testimony and live it and lastly was to be consistent. I heard a lot of people especially like Elder Uchtdorf's talk that his was amazing. I have to say it was a really good talk as well.
As far as Sunday goes, it started off with some delicious coffee cake. It is a tradition in our family to have it every general conference. However, the bad thing was I really wasn't able to watch conference that well cause my younger brother Bryce was being annoying to us. According to him conference is boring. I guess I can see how it would be boring being in a 13 year old's shoe's. However, I wish I could have been able to pay attention to the messages more. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir did an awesome job as usual. They seem to get better every general conference.
Overall, it was mostly a great weekend. Time to get back to school!