Being Busy

During this month of December I have been busy a lot. One of the things that made me busy was doing Madrigal Dinner. If you aren't familiar with it, I will tell you. Basically, it is put on by the choir. So, it is a dinner and it takes place in the middle ages kind of period. Most of the people in choir including me were wenches and pagans and the rest (those who were in chamber choir) were either beggars or they were in the royal court. There is no doubt that it was fun it just took a lot of my time. My family even came one night so that was cool to serve them.

This month it seems like my teachers are in the mood of handing a lot of homework. For example, I have been taking a College Writing class because obviously I like English. But I wasn't expecting the way the class is run. I like the teacher but she is kind of boring. We had to do this research paper and I didn't want to do it, but the good thing was we got to choose the topic. The thing is I have been so used to being able to have time to do my homework, but this month it has been chaotic.

So far, I have been able to go to some Christmas parties. One was for family and another was friends. The family one was fun but towards the end we all wanted to go while my dad chatted away. Also, for the white elephant exchange we do every year I got this hot-pad-towel-angel ornament thing. You would think it would be nice except it looked like it was made in the'50s. Honestly, I am not exaggerating. Well, at least I have a present I can re gift. The other one was also fun. We went to friend's house and had dessert and visited. They also had a movie going on downstairs and then after we did a Christmas program.

I am really excited for Christmas and also for the break. I am also excited to being able to get a new phone. The phone I have now, I have to share with my sister. It is also old. You can't hear that good in it because my sister supposedly accidentally dropped in root bear. I am looking forward to having my own phone.

Next semester, I have a class on doing an internship. I actually already have one which I am pleased if. I am going to be a ball/water girl for the UVU Women's Basketball team. This job fits perfectly with me since I love basketball. I am hoping it will be a good experience for me. I am sure it will.


Shana said…
I love Christmas parties! It sounds like you've been busy but having fun.
Jared said…
That's cool that you get to be a water girl with the basketball team. You didn't tell me that you were going to do that. When do you start?
Elise said…
In January, sometime, I am not sure when I start.

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