Six Quirks-Tagged by Shana

Directions: Tell six unspectacular quirks about yourself, and then tag six fellow bloggers. Link to the person who tagged you.

#1 When I watch a football or basketball or any other game I get very competitive and a lot of times you can see me screaming at the television telling the refs that they suck. I get so focused in the game that nothing matters to me at all at that point.

#2 When I clean the kitchen everything has to be perfect. I also like to clean by myself. I hate when people are in there while I am cleaning because I just like to do it on my own with no distractions. I especially hate it when someone comes in gets something to eat and leaves their mess for me to clean up. Even if it just some bread crumbs it has to be CLEAN!!!!!!!

#3 I am absolutely terrifed of spiders. It doesn't matter if they are small or huge because they still bother me and I especially hate having to be the one to kill them. Honestly, when I see one I make someone else kill it because I don't want to.

#4 I like the weirdest food combinations. For example, I love the combination of white rice with ranch and soy sauce mixed in with it. My family absolutely thinks I am crazy that I like it but I don't really care about what they say. I think it is really good.

#5 I love the smell of tires. Whether I am in the tire section of Walmart, Costco, or another store. The smell is refreshing to be anyways. I especially like smelling brand new tires.

#6 I hate to admit it but I make fun of people's laughs. People seem to have the most interesting of laughs. The best ones are when people snort. However, I get annoyed with girls that have high pitched laughs. It bugs me a lot. No offense to anyone who may be like that.

I tag anyone who wants to do it.


Shana said…
These are great! I wonder what my laugh sounds like to other people...
Anne said…
Oh. Yes. We all know that you like to make fun of mine and mom's laugh...:) But that's alright. I know I have a weird laugh. Fun quirks though.
Elise said…
yep, I know sadly its true that I do make fun of your guy's laughs.

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