Random Stuff

I hope you all had a fun Easter. I know I did. You think you are too old for Easter egg hunting but no one is. It is just like Halloween. No one is too old to trick-or-treat. But, people have different views this is just my opinion. I really liked Easter. Whether it was dying easter eggs, finding eggs, having family over, or just playing with my cousins, it was all good.
Speaking of school, I am so happy that 3rd term is over. I have been so stressed the whole term. I am really suprised that I got the grades I did. Only one more term till school gets out. Yea!!!!! Then, I will be finally be a senior. I am so excited about that. High school is almost over. It could be a bad thing or a good thing. I think of it more of a good thing because so many people have said college is way better than high school, so that is what I am looking forward to, trusting what they have said.
A few weeks ago, I was able to go to a movie called Vantage Point. If you haven't seen it I highly recomend it. The best thing is, is that its an action movie. Those are my favorite movies. But anyways, be prepared the movie is one of those movies that makes you think, so you have to pay attention to know whats going on, but I got it fine, so no worries.
Speaking of books, I didn't know this until a little while ago but I found out that Stephenie Meyer is coming to Utah. If you are Twilight lovers you will know who she is. She is actually making a new book not related to any of the Twilight series called the Host. It actually sounds really good. I am really excited that she is coming. I am dying to go see her so we will see how it goes.