Christmas and the New Year

I had a great Christmas break, the best thing about it was being out of
school. I really enjoyed going to Ballet Wests, The Nutcracker. Every
year myGrammie gets tickets for all of the girls and we go but before
that we go to lunch. It is really fun. But for dessert we go to this
chocolate place calledHatches . It is up in the avenues in Salt Lake,
but there chocolate is so good. Every body in my family loves the hot
chocolate because it tastes like liquid chocolate. But for some reason
why I didn't really like it that much. It just had a weird taste to it,
that's just my opinion. Of course, whats without Christmas than the
food. I got so stuffed over the break. It was all good. Christmas was
really fun. The most exciting thing that I got was thezune. The zune is like a video ipod
but it has a much bigger and better screen. You can put movies
(obviously), pictures, and music. It also has the radio on it. When I
got it I got hysterical. My mom said that I got so excited that I was
about to cry (not true really but I did get very excited). My dad had
the opportunity to go to China in the summer. ForChristmas he brought
things back for us. He gave us girls real pearl earrings and necklaces.
I was also excited about that. He also gave us purses, different colors
though. I got the gold one and I just love it. I take it wherever I go.
I don't know what this doll is called but it is a doll when you open it
, it gets smaller and smaller, until you can't open it anymore. I don't
know if I am making any sense or not. Of course, things in the
stockings and then finally I got threeDVDs. Pirates of the Caribbean 3, at Worlds End, Harry Potter 5, the Order of the Phoenix, and then this BYU DVD. I actually had a great Christmas so that was good.

only bad thing was going back to school. I can't believe it is 2008, a
new year and I want to make a big resolution. I really want to change
of not being aPROCRASTINATOR ! I am getting annoyed, I hate doing
things at the last minute especially homework and projects for school.
Well I hope you all have a Happy New Year.


Shana said…
Mmmm, that chocolate sounds good. I hope it was just bad the one time, and it'll be good next time you go. I want to try it!

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