Exciting Summer so Far

So far my summer has actually not been that bad. I have seen a lot of movies in the which I wanted to see a lot so I did. I am so happy that school is out so one less thing to worry about.

The movies that I have seen so far are Pirates of the Carribbean 3, Live Free Die Hard, and Ratatoille(don't know how its spelled). Anyways, I really enjoyed pirates 3, even though a lot of people said that the first one was better than the second and third. Live Free Die Hard, I thought was an awesome movie. I am an action person and there was a lot of it in this movie, so I enjoyed it a lot. Ratatoille on the other hand, wasn't as good as Live Free Die Hard, but I still thought it was good.

Well, I am finished with road, so all I need to do is get my 40 hrs in and I can get my license on my birthday. I am excited to drive, yet nervous as well. I think I will get used to it as I drive more though.


Shana said…
My summer has been fun too, even though I don't really get a vacation. I haven't seen any of those movies, but Curt and I saw Transformers, which I loved -- it was funny and action-packed. You would probably like it. Good luck with those hours. Are you going to have your own car?

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