BYU vs. Utah game

So on Saturday I was able to go watch the game at my sister's apartment. The game itself was so intense but it was still a fun game to watch. It was also four hours long. It was such a long game. The great thing was BYU came on top with Max Hall passing to Andrew George who ran it into the end zone for the touchdown. When I saw that I started screaming my head off but who wouldn't? It reminded me of the time when I watched the 2006 BYU vs. Utah game when with three seconds left John Beck threw the ball to Johnny Harline. Oh man these games are going to be classics that's for sure. However, I wasn't too fond of Max Hall's comments after the game about Utah. He apologized later though saying it was more on the fans of Utah that threw beer at his family but I was so surprised that he would do that. I really didn't expect any BYU Player or Coach to do that but he sure did. However, I am glad that he apologized. I hope people will understand and know that ...