Christmas and New Year's
This year I had an awesome Christmas. It was probably one of my best Christmas's yet. It all started on Christmas Eve. Jared and Kiersten came over to our house and we enjoyed ourselves with a nice dinner my mom made and then after we each opened one present that is a tradition in our house. That was fun. Then we watched a christmas movie entitled Joy to the World which was really good. After, we all played Disney Scene It. If you haven't played this game before I strongely reccomend you do. It is a very a fun game. The thing that made playing this game more enjoyable was our family got into it. We are a very competitive family when it comes to games. On Christmas Day, we all slept in for a little bit before going in to see our presents. The thing I got that I was most excited for was my new phone. I got an envy from verizon wireless. Now my sister and I text more than we talk on the phone. A few other things I got was clothes from florida (my dad went to florida...