
Showing posts from December, 2007

Favorite Stuff

It seems like I haven't written for ages. But anyways, I am so excited for the Christmas break. School is (not surprisingly) very stressful. I am going to be so relieved when I get a break. Well lets see, I watched the finale of Survivor last night. It was really good. The best thing about it was Todd Herzgrouh (I don't know how to spell his last name) won the millon dollars and he was from Pleasant Grove, Utah. So that is kind of cool. No one ever has won from Utah. Here is a list of my favorite things: Favorite T.V. show: Survivor, Dancing with the Stars, 24. Favorite Movie: Enchanted Favorite book: Harry Potter series and Twilight series Favorite color: Blue Favorite college sports team: BYU Cougars! Beat UCLA! Favorite pro team: Indinapolis Colts Favorite food: Chicken, mashed potatos, and vegetables Favorite website: Youtube Favorite role model: Mom Favorite singer(s): Colbie Calliet, Enrique Favorite band: Rascal Flatts, Maroon 5, Goo Dolls, there are a lot...

Sorry, I haven't posted for so long

Sorry, I have been so busy that I haven't posted for a long time. Anyways, I recently got done with Madrigal Dinner. You probably don't know what that is so I will explain. It's a dinner we have for choir once and year and it goes for six nights. We get people to come obviously, and we basically serve them with food and give them live entertainment by singing and doing short plays. Also, the time period is the renaissance so we dress up as wenches and pagans, and then the main people are others like the king, queen, jesture, etc. It is kind of fun but for the most part I just wanted to go home afterward because it was so time consuming and everybody was hungry and tired afterwards. I don't know about you but my Thanksgiving was really fun. This year was actually a quiet one. We only had our immediate family over and not our extended family because they had other plans. In a way it was great because it was just a nice, quiet, family dinner but on the otherhand I...